Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Swing Dancer Here...

Hey friends...well I've decided to make this post about something I experienced personally today. I spontaneously (with some thought) decided to go swing dancing at Hub-Bub's Showroom. I had heard about the event from friends of mine who had gone to it on Facebook. Over the last 2 years (especially this past year) I've been trying to gradually eat healthier, exercise more, and come socially out of my "shell".

I went, and I sat in the car at first (rode around the parking lot a couple of times) not sure whether I wanted to go in or not. I finally decided to just do it, went in, and met these kind people (the host-Paul Hoke, and this sweet young woman Aliza). Then I looked around at the art, talked to a couple of other beginners and one young lady who had more experience with the dance.

Next came the nearly hour-long lesson. I learned to do all these steps, including twirling the young women around, twirling myself around and letting them catch me, and doing "back pushes". I had many partners during the lesson. Some of these partners were beginners (just like me), and some had either some experience or were "experts". Some were great partners, and some I felt were just okay. Some were charming (or at the least encouraging), some of them seemed just as flustered as I was, and some seemed a bit more eager for me to learn steps faster (and too many of them too fast). I quickly caught on to some things (specifically high-five twirling-which I love!), but there were other things with which I'm still struggling (doing the "back pushes" and some of the more complicated dance moves that we didn't even go over in the lesson).

After the lesson most of us stayed around (and more people came in) and danced to different songs/kinds of swing music. I found that I really gelled well with some partners (I felt that immediate negative-positive spark of electrical chemistry-not necessarily romantic, but someone with whom I'd have more in common), while with other people I felt like either I wasn't a great enough dancer (or smooth, confident enough person) with or that they were a bit cold towards me. I think I may have been the only guy that showed up without a girl "friend" (maybe that would be a great idea for next time), but some of the ladies showed up alone or with other girlfriends. I feel that I had gradually gotten better over those last two hours, and some of the young ladies seemed to enjoy dancing with me and told me I was doing a great job for the first time. This one girl (whose name I think was Lauren) told me that I needed to come on a more regular basis and join them at their sessions at The Handlebar in Greenville. Some of the girls let me go a little crazier and do more freestyle than others. Some of them were a bit "funny" about my taking too big of steps, not being fast enough, not looking/observing my feet/other people enough, or kicking back my feet a bit too much (one said I looked funny...but isn't dancing supposed to be somewhat funny?).

I went home that night glad that I came and learned some dance steps, and was glad of the new people I met and the newer-found confidence I've been slowly gaining. I still, however, felt a bit self-conscious (and even cried a little on the inside and almost on the outside)...and it can be embarrassing to be the new one on the floor, and alone (particularly if you are a male). Having about three or four other people I knew there made it both a little better (they can be supportive and familiar) AND a little more awkward (familiarity breeds contempt, and sometimes people that know you but not that well may be watching/criticizing your every move more than people who didn't know you before). I do, however, plan to return and do this some more on a monthly/weekly basis (maybe I can get one of my girl "friends" to come and I can either show one of them something or that girl "friend" can show me a thing or two), as well as checking out shag lessons at Wild Wing or classes they might have at the Y or the library. I had a fun time doing it and was glad to do it...and, as a first-time real dancer (besides acting crazy at work/among friends, out and about), I slowly felt more confident and had good talks with the people there.


Paul Hoke said...

Great info for veteran dancers to hear, would you mind if I include this link in my next newsletter?

Eliza said...

Thank you so much for your blog!!! I'm so glad Paul linked to this.

Please come out more often. I found that I've gained confidence in all aspects of my life through swing dancing. Once you feel confident on the inside and outside you'll discover the great joy that can come from dancing.

I, too, began to Swing dance without a guy "friend." Luckily dancing a great way to make friends. The great part of the rotating lessons that Paul does is that you can meet lots of follows (girls) throughout the lesson. Just like you said, there will be a connection with some people and with others there won't.

When we teach lessons, Paul-style, we start with the same basic 5 moves. Towards the end, we try to incorporate more complicated moves to expand your basic repertoire. Those moves aren't meant to be mastered on the first try... or even the third!! :^)

I really appreciate your comments and I agree with Paul, more people need to read this.

Please come out again, introduce yourself to me. I'd love to talk more about it!


Wallace said...

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Please join us at the Handlebar, if you have yet to. It's great to see other people's stories on how they started. This is something that helps build social and self confidence. You don't have to be the best, you just have to feel the best :)

Take care and be safe, friend.


Evan said...

Paul, thank you for including my link in your newsletter.

Wallace, thank you for your encouragement.

Eliza, thanks also for your encouragement and your stories. If I could come to Greenville more often, I would love to talk more with you about my dancing experiences. I'm glad that we can relate with each other in dancing. Are there going to be anymore events in Spartanburg?

Eliza said...


Next time you're going to be in Greenville, shoot any of us an email and we'll be sure to look out for you and reserve dances!!!

I'll try to remember to shoot you an email the next time I'm in Spartanburg and I think there will be dancing!!!
