Sunday, August 17, 2008

A day to shag...

Hi pals, well Saturday wasn't too eventful (barely worked out, ate, went to work, went home, etc.), but today was great. I went to church this morning, got a good nap around 12:30-about 2:00, ate from Wade's, visited with my family (Mom, Jeff, cousin Christina), went to Barnes & Noble (got a hot peppermint herbal tea), went to Starbucks (the one @ Hillcrest that will soon close) to read (newspapers), drink some more tea (a couple of white teas-young woman at counter was extra sweet and gave me a free one because she didn't realize someone else had already made me one), met a friend, and went to Wild Wing in beautiful downtown Spartanburg to engage in some free shag lessons. (Shagging...the dance of South Carolina) I found the shag easier to do than the swing, and most all of my partners were great. Unlike with the swing night, I didn't stick around to dance more after the lesson tonight. I discovered one problem that I do have when dancing (turning around/twirling) arm tends to get twisted every time I do this. I have to learn how to be better coordinated for these dances. My friend and I also rode around Spartanburg, where I showed her most of the sideroad restaurant landmarks, and where Hub-Bub/The Showroom and The Hangar are. Speaking of all of this tea drinking, you can thank my friend Daniel for that. It all started when we spent a Sunday evening at Panera Bread chatting and sipping on refillable hot teas. Daniel told me that it was actually good for my health and shape to drink hot drinks/eat hot soups during hot weather. Teas also have all of those antioxidants in them. Starbucks and Panera Bread (have not tried Interlude yet) have great varieties of kinds of teas (green, black, herbal, and white) and flavors of those kinds of teas (Earl Grey, Passion, etc.). When I first started drinking them, I did not think they had much taste...but they are more of that slightly bitter, acquired taste. That is because you have to let the tea bags sit in the hot water for a certain amount of time. Well, that's all for this blog tonight. See you next time.


I am Mexico. said...

So who is this girl "friend"?

Evan said...

Well Jared, her name is Kelly but I've decided that we should just "be friends" to which she replied "for now." I then replied, "Forever." I'm moving on from her and just meeting different people now.