Tuesday, August 19, 2008

More of Sunday, and All of Monday...

Hey friends (Jared, Gary)...I wanted to blog a little more about my Sunday and then tell you what happened on my yesterday (which you, Gary, were there for most of). I had to meet this girl at another Starbucks (Hillcrest) to go shagging at Wild Wing (keep in mind that this was an open relationship/friendship). We had a great time on the way there...one of my drinks kept spilling out of the cup onto me and into a cupboard in my car (she made fun of me for liking tea). After the shagging (which I don't think she enjoyed as much as I did), I showed her around Spartanburg at some grub eateries (The Beacon, Holmes Hot Dogs, Wade's, and Ike's) and where Hub-Bub/The Showroom are.

Monday was a great day. I got up, and a few hours later Gary and I decided to go play some tennis at this court in a beautiful mill village neighborhood near Inman Mills (we would have played at North Spartanburg Park, but it was so hot and sunny there). Jared...this is for you. Remember when I told you that you were in our tennis game in spirit? Gary and I did some great impressions of you...but it was all done in love. Then I came home and went out to Fuji with the family. My mom gave me a hard time about liking the pre-meal soups there (calling it "flavored water"). I had two of them because her boyfriend (Jeff) did not want to eat his. After the dinner, Gary and I got back together that evening to go see "Tropic Thunder" (my upcoming blog post will be reviews for movies I saw this past year/summer). We decided to wait and go see the 8:00 one, so we did a couple of things to kill time. We wanted to go to Tangled Web (a comic store), but it was already closed...so we went to the mall. We went to this arcade in the food court called Tilt, and I introduced Gary to Dance Dance Revolution. He was great at it; he beat me! I'm just now getting the hang of the game! (They have something similar to this at Mr. Gatti's, but it is diagonal instead of up-down/across and called Pump it Up). Jared, we then went to visit your parents for a few minutes...and they welcomed us with open arms and open hands. Your mom was surprised to see Gary's hair so short. Your dad said we both looked good (as in healthy) and wants both of us to play some golf with him sometime. We told them about Dance Dance Revolution and "The Office" (Rainn Wilson-"Dwight Schrute"-was featured on a Business Weekly magazine on a table in your living room). They then showed us the pictures they had of you, them, some historic buildings/cathedrals, the huge pyramid you and your dad climbed all the way (your mom only climbed half), your Ivette (sp?), your "Mexico parents", and your team (Diego I think was one of their names). Mexico seems like a great place to visit, and I hope we can all do that one of these days...I liked your apartment, too, and I liked the sense of community that you seemed to feel down there. Gary and I then went to see "Tropic Thunder" and Tom Cruise and Robert Downey Jr. were probably the most impressive actors in the movie. Gary and I left thinking it was freaky and quirky without being that laugh-out-loud funny (I only laughed at two or three parts). However, I can see why critics like it, because it was well-written, well-acted (for over-the-top acting), and it had its moments of genius (as well as some totally random moments).

Well, I look forward to blogging again to you, soon. Until then, good day.

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